
Maximilian Heimstädt
Professor of Digital Governance & Service Design
Helmut Schmidt University
Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 245
22159 Hamburg
+49 (0)40 6541 4563
[Publications] [Projects] [Activities] [Photos]
Welcome visitor! I’m a Professor of Business Administration, in particular Digital Governance & Service Design, at Helmut Schmidt University (HSU) in Hamburg. At HSU I co-direct the interdisciplinary Master's programme "Digital Governance and Administration (DiGA)". In my research I'm interested in the relationship between digital technologies and expert work in public organizations and organized publics. My research is grounded in organization theory, cross-fertilized by science and technology studies, and mostly conducted using qualitative methods. I'm an open science advocate and father of twin toddlers.
I received my Ph.D. from Free University Berlin (2017) and my Habilitation from Witten/Herdecke University (2023). Previously, I held positions at Bielefeld University, Witten/Herdecke University, and the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin. I've been a visiting scholar at Cornell University and Columbia University. My research has been supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Foundation of German Business (SDW), the German-American Fulbright Commission, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Heinrich Hertz Foundation, the Joachim Herz Foundation, and the Wikimedia Foundation. I'm currently a junior fellow at Germany's first Institute for Advanced Studies, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) in Bielefeld.
Journal articles
- Heimstädt, C. and Heimstädt M. (2024). Algorithmic expert services: When expert values meet scalability thinking. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, forthcoming. [preprint]
- Heimstädt, M., Koljonen, T. and Elmholdt, K. (2024). Expertise in management research: A review and agenda for future research. Academy of Management Annals, 18(1): 121-156. [preprint]
- Dobusch, L. and Heimstädt, M. (2024). The structural transformation of the scientific public sphere: Constitution and consequences of the path towards open access. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 50(1): 216-238.
- Bauer, M., Heimstädt, M., Franzreb, C. and Schimmler, S. (2023). Clickbait or conspiracy? How Twitter users address the epistemic uncertainty of a controversial preprint. Big Data & Society, 10(2): 1-15.
- De Vaujany, FX. and Heimstädt, M. (2022). A pragmatic way to open management research and education: Playfulness, ambiguity and deterritorialization. Organizações e Sociedade, 29(103): 750-781 [portuguese version].
- Egbert, S., Esposito, E., and Heimstädt, M. (2022). Vorhersagen und Entscheiden. Predictive Policing in Polizeiorganisationen. Soziale Systeme 26(1–2): 189-216. [preprint]
- Friesike, S., Dobusch, L., and Heimstädt, M. (2022). Striving for societal impact as an early-career researcher: Reflections on five common concerns. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 79: 239-255 [preprint].
- Dobusch, L. and Heimstädt, M. (2021). Strukturwandel der wissenschaftlichen Öffentlichkeit: Konstitution und Konsequenzen des Open-Access-Pfades. Leviathan Sonderband 37: 425-454. [preprint] [english version]
- Heimstädt, M., Egbert, S., and Esposito, E. (2021). A pandemic of prediction: On the circulation of contagion models between public health and public safety. Sociologica 14(3): 1-24.
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2021). Riskante Retweets: 'Predictive Risk Intelligence' und Interessenvertretung in globalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Industrielle Beziehungen 28(2): 194-211 [preprint].
- Golka, P. and Heimstädt, M. (2021). Öffentliche Organisationen und Strategie: Von verordneten Strategien zu alltäglicher Strategiearbeit. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation 90(1): 10-14 [preprint].
- Heimstädt, M. and Friesike, S. (2021). The odd couple: Contrasting openness in innovation and science. Innovation: Organization & Management 23(3): 425–438.
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2020). Transparency and accountability: Causal, critical and constructive perspectives. Organization Theory 1(4): 1-12.
- Dobusch, L. and Heimstädt, M. (2019). Predatory publishing in management research: A call for open peer review. Management Learning 50(5): 607-619.
- Roth, S., Santonen, T., Heimstädt, M.,... Sales, A. (2019). Government.com? Multifunctional cabinet portfolio analysis of 201 national governments. Journal of Organizational Change Management 32(6): 621-639.
- Heimstädt, M. and Reischauer, G. (2018). Framing innovation practices in interstitial issue fields: Open innovation in the NYC administration. Innovation: Organization & Management 21(1): 128-150. [preprint]
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2018). Politics of disclosure: Organizational transparency as multiactor negotiation. Public Administration Review 78(5): 727-738. [preprint]
- Heimstädt, M. (2017). Openwashing: A decoupling perspective on organizational transparency. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 125: 77-86. [preprint]
- Heimstädt, M. (2015). Societal self-observation in the time of datafication: Interfunctional analysis of the Chilean open data web portal. Cybernetics and Human Knowing 22(4): 57-73. [preprint]
- Heimstädt, M., Saunderson, F. and Heath, T. (2014). From toddler to teen: Growth of an open data ecosystem. eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government 6(2): 123-135.
- Heimstädt, M., Saunderson, F. and Heath, T. (2014). Conceptualizing open data ecosystems: A timeline analysis of open data development in the UK. In Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government (CeDEM2014), Krems, Austria.
Journal articles (work in progress)
- "Actionable predictions: How designers of algorithmic systems calibrate criminal futures" (under review)
- "One foot in, one foot out of the ivory tower: Performing hybrid relationality in public science presentations"(under review)
- "Merchants of transparency: Bringing algorithmic visibility to global supply chains" (under review)
- "Epistemic uncertainty: How preprints can reconfigure organizational theorizing" (revise and resubmit)
- "Trials of expertise: Studying controversies over algorithmic systems in NYC agencies" (preparing for submission)
- "'From sonnets to statistics, genes to geodata': How the open science community leverages occupational heterogeneity for change (preparing for submission)
Book chapters
- Egbert, S., and Heimstädt, M. (2024). Algorithmic chains of translation: Predictive policing and the need for team-based ethnography. In States of Surveillance Ethnographies of New Technologies in Policing and Justice, eds. M. Avis, D. Marciniak and M. Sapignoli, 111-127. Abingdon/New York: Routledge. [preprint]
- Klausner, L., Heimstädt, M., and Dobusch, L. (2023). Schöne neue Lieferkettenwelt: Worker Voice und Arbeitsstandards in Zeiten algorithmischer Vorhersage. In Soziale Standards in globalen Lieferketten: Internationale Richtlinien, unternehmerische Verantwortung und die Stimme der Beschäftigten, eds. T. Haipeter, M. Helfen, A. Kirsch and S. Rosebohm, 97–114. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. [preprint]
- Heimstädt, M. and Fischer, G. (2023). Eine Kartographie des wissenschaftlichen Verlegens. In Doing Research – Wissenschaftspraktiken zwischen Positionierung und Suchanfrage, eds. S. Hofhues and K. Schütze, 392-398. Bielefeld: Transcript.
- Heimstädt, M. and Gegenhuber, T. (2020). Digitale Transformation der Hochschulbildung: Möglichkeiten strategischen Handelns. In Neues Handbuch digitale Hochschullehre, eds. T. Treeck and M. Deimann, 37-55. Berlin: DUZ Medienhaus. [preprint]
- Heimstädt, M. and Reischauer, G. (2018). Open(ing up) for the future: Practising open strategy and open innovation to cope with uncertainty. In How Organizations Manage the Future: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights, eds. H. Krämer and M. Wenzel, 113-131. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [preprint]
- Heimstädt, M., Hertwig, M., Ruiner, C., Schüssler, E., and Wirth, C. | Book series "Work, Digitalization, and Organization". Nomos Verlag.
Scientific theses
- Heimstädt, M. (2024). Wissenschaftsverlage, Datentracking und die Freiheit der Forschung. iRights Info. December 11, 2024.
- Qualitative BWL-Daten für Nachnutzung geöffnet: Ein Pilotversuch, Open-Science-Magazin der ZBW, 28.02.2024.
- Fischer, G. and Heimstädt, M. (2024). Warum DEAL die Wissenschaft in eine gefährliche Abhängigkeit führt. iRights Info. January 17, 2024.
- Heimstädt, M., Klausner, L., and Faißt, S. (2024). Studienreport Algorithmische Vorhersage und Mitbestimmung (AVuM) – eine qualitative Interviewstudie. Bremen: FDZ Qualiservice.
- Heimstädt, M., Klausner, L., and Faißt, S. (2024). Algorithmische Vorhersage und Mitbestimmung (AVuM) – Transkripte der Interviews. Bremen: FDZ Qualiservice / PANGAEA.
- Bauer, M. and Heimstädt, M. (2023). Preprints, conspiracy theories and the need for platform governance. LSE Impact Blog. December 4, 2023.
- Verschwörhaus-Streit: Was hätte anders laufen müssen?, Tagesspiegel Background, 25.04.2023. [online]
- Splitter, V., Heimstädt, M., Gegenhuber, T., and Reischauer, G. (2022). Digital strategizing as a new way of doing strategy. Digital Society Blog. December 12, 2022.
- Wissen, wo es brennt, MIT Technology Review, Juli 2022, 50-54.
- Streik-Vorhersage mit Twitter-Daten, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 11.04.2022. [online]
- Esposito, E., Egbert, S., and Heimstädt, M. (2022). Predictive Policing: Das Polizieren der Zukunft und die Zukunft der Polizei Polizei. Wissen. Themen polizeilicher Bildung. Jahrgang 6, Ausgabe 2/2022: 20-23.
- Heimstädt, M. (2021). Die Vernetzung der Vorhersage, Witten Lab Magazin, 2, Sommer 2021, 16-19. [online]
- Börsting, P., and Heimstädt, M. (2021). Wikipedia as Science Communication: A Step-by-Step Guide. Elephant in the Lab. July 26, 2021.
- Appels, M., and Heimstädt, M. (2021). Eine neue Ethik der Expertise: Die Open Science Bewegung. Forum Wirtschaftsethik. July 5, 2021.
- Predictive Risk Intelligence, Best in Procurement. Das Magazin für Manager in Einkauf und Logistik, Ausgabe 3 Mai/Juni 2021.
- Das Teilen von Lehrkonzepten schafft (inter-)nationale Aufmerksamkeit, Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, May 4, 2021. [English version]
- Develop Academic Preprints in a Reasonable Way, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, September 25, 2020. [print]
- Folge 7: Preprints, Podcast-Serie "Weizenbaum im Homeoffice", June 8, 2020.
- Heimstädt, M. and Schütz, M. (2020). Die Wissenschaft an den Alltag zurückbinden – es gibt keine Krise der Expertise in Corona-Zeiten, Neue Züricher Zeitung, April 23, 2020. [print]
- Reprinted in: Thema im Fokus – Die Zeitschrift von Dialog Ethik, Nr. 144, Juni 2020.
- Wie offene Wissenschaft zu mehr Selbstbestimmung beiträgt, Weizenbaum Insights, April 15, 2020.
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2020). Open Access. In Journalistikon. Das Wörterbuch der Journalistik, eds. K. Artsiomenka and H. Pöttker. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
- Heimstädt, M. (2020). Between fast science and fake news: Preprint servers are political. LSE Impact Blog. April 3, 2020.
- Heimstädt, M. (2020). Preprint-Server in Zeiten von Covid-19: Zwischen Fast Science und Fake News. Netzpolitik.org. March 30, 2020.
- Heimstädt, M. (2020). Offene Wissenschaft, jetzt! Witten/Herdecke University Blog. March 3, 2020.
- Heimstädt, M. (2020). Book review: Mikkel Flyverbom's 'The Digital Prism: Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World'. Organization. [preprint]
- Steinhardt, I., Fischer, C., Heimstädt, M., Hirsbrunner, S. D., İkiz-Akıncı, D., Kressin, L., ... Wünsche, H. (2020). Das Öffnen und Teilen von Daten qualitativer Forschung: eine Handreichung. (Weizenbaum Series, 6). Berlin: Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society - The German Internet Institute.
- Dobusch, L., Heimstädt, M., Mayer, K. and Ross-Hellauer, T. (2020). Defining predatory journals: no peer review, no point. Nature 580, 29.
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2020). To address the rise of predatory publishing in the social sciences, journals need to experiment with open peer review. LSE Impact Blog. January 10, 2020.
- Heimstädt, M. (2020). Book review: Richard Whittington's 'Opening Strategy'. SocArXiv.
- Heimstädt, M. (2019). New York schafft Algorithmen-Beauftragten. Netzpolitik.org. December 16, 2019.
- Heimstädt, M. (2019). SAP Vlog: Richard Whittington on “Completing the practice turn in strategy research”. Video interview for SAP IG Youtube Channel. June 7, 2019.
- Fischer, C., Eisentraut, N., Fischer, G., Fecher, B., Friesike, S., Goller, M., … Wildgans, J. (2019). Unfundierte Kritik. Eine Erwiderung auf einen Kommentar zu Schwächen von Open Access. OSF Preprint.
- #fellowsfreieswissen: Max Heimstädt im Porträt [VIDEO], Wikimedia Deutschland, May 20, 2019.
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2019). Ökonomische Schulbildung: Ein Plädoyer und vier Szenarien für offene Schulbücher. Makronom. March 18, 2019.
- Artikel 13 würde der Wikipedia indirekt schaden, Sueddeutsche.de, March 21, 2019.
- Organizing Openness: ein offenes Lehrbuch als OER [PODCAST], OERinfo, February 7, 2019.
- Arjaliès, D. , Furnari, S., Grandazzi, A., Hasbi, M., Heimstädt, M., Roulet, T. and de Vaujany, F. (2018). Three propositions to help to cultivate a culture of care and broad-mindedness in academic publishing. LSE Impact Blog. December 7, 2018.
- OER in der Praxis: So entsteht ein offenes Lehrbuch, ZBW Mediatalk, July 3, 2018.
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2018). Predatory open access journals: Is open peer review any help? Governance Across Borders. July 25, 2018.
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2018). Predatory Open Access Journals: Ausweg Open Peer Review? Open Media Studies Blog. July 23, 2018.
- Heimstädt, M. (2018). Organizing Openness: Der Weg zum offenen Lehrbuch. Wikimedia Deutschland Blog. June 22, 2018.
- Fellow Programm Projekte: Ring-a-Scientist, Organizing Openness #WMDE [PODCAST], Open Science Radio. February 7, 2018.
- Heimstädt, M. (2018). Ausdrucksformen und Förderbedarf der digitalen Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland. Stiftung Bridge (unpublished).
- Dobusch, L., and Heimstädt, M. (2018). Von Fake Journals zu Fake News: Ausweg Open Peer Review? Synergie: Fachmagazin Für Digitalisierung in Der Lehre. 5: 42-47.
- Heimstädt, M. (2017). Die Arbeit der Zukunft braucht Bildung der Zukunft – Open Educational Ressources. Zukunft der Arbeit. June 7, 2017.
- Heimstädt, M. (2017). Open Data erfolgreich umsetzen: Offenheit braucht Geschlossenheit. Wegweiser Kommune Blog. May 31, 2017.
- Heimstädt, M. and Möllering, G. (2017). Let’s talk about time! Temporal talk as a coordination mechanism in institutional work. Nano-Papers: Institution – Organization – Society (MCTS). Paper No. 3.
- Heimstädt, M. and Dobusch, L. (2017). Perspektiven von Open Educational Resources (OER) für die (sozio-)ökonomische Bildung an Schulen in NRW und in Deutschland. FGW – Forschungsinstitut für gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung [short version; slides]
- Transparentes Management: Offen für alle(s)?, bdvb aktuell, Volume 137, pp. 18-19, 2017.
- Nachgefragt bei… Dr. Maximilian Heimstädt, Institute for Digital Transformation in Healthcare. 2017.
- Dobusch, L and Heimstädt, M. (2016). Erst Offenheit gibt digitaler Bildung Richtung. Forum Wissenschaft, 04/2016: 21-25.
- Heimstädt, M. (2016). OER in 2016: Offenheit setzt sich durch. Technologiestiftung Berlin. [data]
- Dobusch, L., Heimstädt, M. and Hill, J. (2015). Open Educational Resources in Deutschland: Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven. Technologiestiftung Berlin.
- Dobusch, L., Heimstädt, M. and Hill, J. (2014). Open Education in Berlin: Benchmark und Potentiale. Technologiestiftung Berlin.
PhD-Blog (Archive)
During my time as a PhD candidate I maintained a blog to document observations, experiences and open questions.
- Launching into the open. Step 1: Get a rocket (November 9, 2013)
- Open data benchmarking: 3 approaches (November 25, 2013)
- Investigating the British open data ecosystem (January 20, 2014)
- Meandering through the community (February 21, 2014)
- The day my M.Sc. thesis turned open (February 24, 2014)
- Berliner Netzpolitik und digitaler Aktivismus (April 23, 2014)
- Lobo auf der #rp14: Netzgemeinde, sei zornig und spende! (May 6, 2014)
- Conferences, colleges and new colleagues (September 1, 2014)
- The 5-hour-book sprint (September 8, 2014)
- “Jugend Hackt” and the value in code (September 18, 2014)
- Standardsituationen der Open Data Kritik (March 14, 2015)
- I went to a “scrapeathon”. This is what happened (March 19, 2015)
- PhD dissertation strategies (April 8, 2015)
- 6 things I learned from collecting interview data (October 8, 2015)
- A textbook on “open organizing” (October 27, 2017)
- Algorithmic accountability in NYC (September 7, 2018)
Algorithmic prediction and co-determination (2021-2023)
The aim of this project (funded by Hans-Böckler-Stiftung; co-conducted with Lukas Daniel Klausner, Sandrine Faißt and Leonhard Dobusch) was to better understand the risks and potential of algorithmic prediction for co-determination in and across organizations. The empirical focus of this project was on the use of algorithmic prediction for risk management in global value networks.
Digital strategizing (2019-2023)
This project (funded by DFG; co-conducted with Thomas Gegenhuber, Violetta Splitter and Georg Reischauer) was a network of early career researchers. The aim of the network was to build a research community around the topics of strategy and digitalisation. The theoretical core of the network was the strategy-as-practice paradigm. The interest of the research network was therefore not so much on digital strategy as something that organisations have, but rather on digital strategy as something that organisations do.
Community service
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Big Data & Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business & Society, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung,
Information, Communication and Society, Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Internet Policy Review, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Trust Research, Management Learning, Momentum Quarterly, Organization, Organization Studies, Policy & Internet, Public Administration Review, Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, Soziale Welt, Strategic Management Society, WK ORG Workshop, Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung
Conference, workshop, and seminar organization
- Organizing Algorithms: Sociotechnical Crossings in Space and Time. Conference sub-theme at EGOS Meeting, Milan, July 4-6, 2024 (with Helene Ratner and Sine Just)
- The Algorithmic Turn of Prediction. Conference track at the 4S Annual Meeting, Toronto/Internet, October 6-8, 2021 (with Simon Egbert and Elena Esposito)
- PREGOV: Towards Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Algorithmic Prediction & Decision-Making. Workshop at Helmut-Schmidt-University, September 17-18, 2021 (with Jaromir Junne, Christian Huber, Manuel Reinhard, Annina Förschler and Sigrid Hartong). The workshop is funded by Akademie der Wissenschaften Hamburg.
- Social Media-Training für VHB experts. Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, May 5, 2021
- Digital Strategizing: Crafting Strategy in the Age of Platforms, Ecosystems, and Online Communities. Symposium at the 79. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August 13, 2019
- Strategy-as-Practice Community Day: Rethinking Strategy Research in the Digital Age. Preconference Workshop at 35. EGOS Colloquium, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 3, 2019 (with Georg Reischauer, Jeannie Holstein and Theresa Gebauer)
- 2. RMI Workshop on Organization Theory. TU Kaiserslautern, June 13, 2019 (with Gordon Müller-Seitz)
- 5-Hour Book Sprint. Workshop supported by the Foundation of German Business, Berlin, September 8, 2014 [output]
- Open Data – Better Society? Interdisciplinary Workshop, supported by the Foundation of German Business, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, April 26-27, 2013
Open syllabi
- Algorithms and Organizations (Master seminar, Witten/Herdecke University) [Syllabus]
- Dynamics of Expertise (Master seminar, Bielefeld University) [Syllabus]
- Experts in Organizations (Master seminar, Bielefeld University) [Syllabus]
- Institutional Entrepreneurship (Master seminar, Witten/Herdecke University)
- International Strategy (Bachelor seminar, Witten/Herdecke University)
- Introduction to Business Administration (Bachelor tutorial, Free University Berlin)
- Open Organizing and Organizing Openness (Bachelor seminar, Witten/Herdecke University) [Syllabus]
- Social Studies of Digital Science (Master seminar, Bielefeld University) [Syllabus]
- Organisations and the Digital Condition (Master seminar, University of the Arts Berlin)
- Sociology of Prediction (Master seminar, Bielefeld University) [Syllabus]
- Strategy (Bachelor seminar, Witten/Herdecke University) [Syllabus]
- "Attending to Algorithms in and around Organizations," Qualitative Research Methods Workshop, Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, November 26, 2024
- "Strukturwandel der wissenschaftlichen Öffentlichkeit: Freie Wissenschaft durch freien Literaturzugang?," Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln, November 22, 2024
- "Actionable predictions: How designers of algorithmic systems calibrate criminal futures," 40. EGOS Colloquium, University of Milano-Biccoca, Italy, July 5, 2024
- "Algorithmic expert services: When expert values meet scalability thinking," Expertise in Digital Transformation Workshop, Weizenbaum Institute, May 23, 2024
- "Epistemic uncertainty: How preprints shape organization theory," WK ORG Workshop, JKU Linz, March 31, 2023
- "The good, the bad, and the predatory journals," Workshop on Predatory Publishing, University of Florence, December 2, 2022
- "Merchants of transparency: Predictive governance in global supply chains," 3. PreGov Workshop, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, September 15, 2022
- "Open science in management research: Future trends and challenges," 16th IFSAM Congress, September 7, 2022
- "Using Wikipedia for Science Communication," Open Science Festival, Hannover, August 31, 2022 [slides]
- "Open Data and Civic Tech: Past & Futures," Open Knowledge Lab Berlin, August 8, 2022 [video]
- "Connecting with the public: How professionals accomplish relational authority in staged performances," 38. EGOS Colloquium, WU Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2022
- "Expertise in management research: An integrative review and a path forward," 38. EGOS Colloquium, WU Vienna, Austria, July 7, 2022
- "The Ethics of Open Science," PhD Seminar on Research Ethics, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, June 13, 2022
- "Merchants of transparency: Bringing algorithmic visibility to global supply chains," 7th Global Conference on Transparency Research, Copenhagen Business School, May 19, 2022
- "Expertise in der Krise?," Digitaler Salon at Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, April 27, 2022
- "Clickbait or conspiracy? How Twitter users address the epistemic uncertainty of a controversial preprint," Spring Meeting of Young ZiF, Bielefeld, March 12, 2022
- "Algorithmische Vorhersage und Mitbestimmung: Eine Studie zum Verhältnis von 'Predictive Risk Intelligence' und Interessenvertretung," Jahrestagung des VHB, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, March 9, 2022
- "Challenge? Accepted! Umgang mit Medien," Jahrestagung des VHB, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, March 8, 2022 (with Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich)
- "Predictive policing in Germany and Switzerland: Studying prognostic practices as a 'chain of translation'," Situated AI Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, December 9, 2021
- "Algorithmen und Entscheiden in Polizeiorganisationen," Managementkolleg at Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei, November 10, 2021
- "The Algorithmic Reconfiguration of Decision-Making in Predictive Policing," 4S Annual Meeting, Toronto/Internet, October 6, 2021
- "Social consequences of algorithmic forecast: The case of predictive policing," PreGov Workshop at Helmut-Schmidt-University, September 17, 2021
- "Predictive policing: Synchronizing organizational pasts and criminal future," Synchronising Data in Organisations Workshop, University of Siegen, September 9, 2021
- "Relational expertise on stage: How public scientists enact an eye level relationship with their audience," 37. EGOS Colloquium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 9, 2021
- "Algorithmic Policing. Forms and Consequences of Digital Crime Prediction Tools," Jahrestagung der Sektion Organisationssoziologie, Juni 10, 2021
- "Interactions between digitization and social change: current research at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society," Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, März 25, 2021
- "Theorizing Transparency: Studying new forms of visibility in public sector organizations," Universität Bern, Kompetenzzentrum für Public Management, März 1, 2021
- "Strategie und digitale Verwaltung," N3GZ – Nachwuchsnetzwerk Digitale Verwaltung, December 9, 2020 [slides]
- "Schattenbibliotheken und Preprint-Server," Expertengespräch mit der AG "Transformation des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens zu Open Access" des Wissenschaftsrates, December 2, 2020
- "Trials of expertise: Studying controversies over algorithmic systems in NYC agencies," WHU Interpretative Research Forum, December 1, 2020
- "Clicks, likes and preprints: are we entering a new age of scientific publication?," CIBSS Signalling Across Scales Symposium, virtual panel discussion, November 23, 2020 [video]
- "Digital research communication and networking," LoGov – 2nd Transferrable Skills Workshop, November 4, 2020 [slides]
- "Algorithmic walks," Invited panel presentation at the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS) (invited by Prof. François-Xavier De Vaujany), Internet, July 10, 2020 [video]
- "'From sonnets to statistics, genes to geodata': How the open science community leverages occupational heterogeneity for change," 36. EGOS Colloquium, University of Hamburg, Germany, July 3, 2020
- "From closed to open science," Guest lecture at the Chair for Strategy, Innovation und Cooperation (Prof. Gordon Müller-Seitz), University of Kaiserslautern, June 8, 2020
- "Trials of expertise: How organizations and their stakeholders cope with automated decision systems," PREGOV Workshop, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, February 8, 2020
- "Digitale Wissenschaftskommunikation," Professional Development Workshop, Faculty of Management and Economics, Witten/Herdecke University, January 13, 2020 [slides]
- "What makes an algorithm expert?," Momentum Kongress für kritische Wissenschaft, Hallstatt, Austria, October 11, 2019
- "What makes an algorithm expert?," German Academic Exchange Service Alumni Meeting, University of Potsdam, September 28, 2019
- "Was ist eigentlich Offene Wissenschaft und welche Akteure und Ressourcen gibt es?," Opening Workshop of Open Science Fellowship 2019/20, Wikimedia Deutschland, Berlin, September 14, 2019 (with Katja Mayer) [slides]
- "Assembling expertise: Emerging governance of algorithmic systems in New York City," 79. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August 13, 2019
- "Assembling expertise: Emerging governance of algorithmic systems in New York City," 35. EGOS Colloquium, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 5, 2019
- "Assembling expertise: Emerging governance of algorithmic systems in New York City," SASE’s 31. Annual-Meeting, Mini-conference on ‘Algorithmic Prediction vs. Shared Uncertainty. Social Consequences of Individualized Forecast’(convened by Elena Esposito and Alberto Cevolini), June 27, 2019
- "Assembling expertise: Taming problematic algorithms in New York City," 2. RMI Workshop on Organization Theory, TU Kaiserslautern, June 13, 2019
- "Assembling expertise: Taming problematic algorithms in New York City," Workshop on “Data – Practices – Professions”, University of Lucerne, April 26, 2019
- "Digitale Zivilgesellschaft: Organisation, Arbeitsweise, Reflexion," Workshop on “Digitalcourage,” Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, March 2, 2019 [slides]
- "Pluralität durch Open Educational Resources: Wege zum offenen Schulbuch," 3. Annual Conference of the Association for Socioeconomic Education and Research (ASEER), University of Duisburg-Essen, February 22, 2019
- "Predatory publishing in management research: A call for open peer review," WK ORG Workshop, WWU Münster, February 14, 2019
- "Offene Wissenschaft im Organisationskontext," Workshop of the Open Science Fellowship, Natural History Museum, Berlin, February 11, 2019 [slides]
- "Bounded Automation: Bruchstellen und Beratungsspielräume in der algorithmischen Verwaltung," Guest Lecture at gfa | public, Berlin, February 1, 2019 [slides]
- "Paradoxes of openness as a strategy: Open data in New York, London, and Berlin," 78. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 10-14, 2018 (with Leonhard Dobusch)
- Nominated for Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award
- "Open Educational Resources: Digitale Bildung offen gestalten," Rotary Club Witten-Hohenstein, July 17, 2018 [slides]
- "Paradoxes of openness as a strategy: Open data in New York, London, and Berlin," 34. EGOS Colloquium, Estonian Business School, Tallin, Estonia, July 5-7, 2018 (with Leonhard Dobusch)
- "Paradoxes of openness as a strategy: Open data in New York, London, and Berlin," 42. Workshop of WK ORG, University of Hamburg, February 15, 2018 (with Leonhard Dobusch)
- "Challenge accepted! Linking frames and problem situations in institutional change," RMI Research Seminar, Witten/Herdecke University, January 24, 2018 (with Philipp Golka)
- "Das Transparenzparadoxon. Offenheit braucht Geschlossenheit," Berlin Open Data Day 2017, October 4, 2017 [slides]
- "Bringing open innovation to city hall. The role of inter-field framing," 2. RMI Workshop on Organization Theory, University of Cologne, July 31, 2017
- "Carriables und Datenermächtigung," 1. Digitaler Salon, Witten/Herdecke University, June 21, 2017 [visiolog by Patrick Rebacz] [slides]
- "Studying openness across boundaries," Interdisciplinary Network for Studies Investigating Science and Technology (INSIST), University of Vienna, February 28, 2017 [slides]
- "Zur Dualität von Macht und Raum," 41. Workshop of WK ORG, University of Hamburg, February 16, 2017 (with Julia Bartosch)
- "Making emergence happen: Distributed agency and institutional work," 5. Meeting of the DFG-supported scientific network “Das ungenutzte Potential des Neo-Institutionalismus”, Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), November 3-4, 2016
- "Zur Dualität von Macht und Raum," Momentum Kongress für kritische Wissenschaft, Hallstatt, October 13-16, 2016 (with Julia Bartosch)
- "Shifting organizational boundaries through institutional work: The case of open data in Berlin," 76. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, August 8, 2016
- "Openwashing: A decoupling perspective on organizational transparency," 32. EGOS Colloquium, University of Naples Federico II, July 7-9, 2016
- "Establishing open data: Cities as strategic action fields," 6. LAEMOS Conference, Adolfo Ibáñez University, Campus Viña del Mar, Chile, April, 9, 2016
- "Shifting organizational boundaries through institutional work: The case of open data in Berlin," 40. Workshop of WK ORG, University of Zürich, February 19, 2016
- "Gotham in the time of datafication: On the introduction of open data in New York City," Lecture at the Graduate Seminar “Cities, Place, Technology”, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University, February 8, 2016 (invited by Jennifer Minner)
- "Openness as institutional boundary work: The case of open data in Berlin," 31. EGOS Colloquium, ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece, Athens, Greece, July 2-4, 2015
- "Reconfiguring the pubic data governance regime: Institutional work in a big city," 3. Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management, JKU Linz, May 7-8, 2015
- "Ein kritischer Blick auf Open Data: Technoliberalismus, Transparenz und Privatsphäre," Lecture at the Seminar “Big Data and Privacy” of the Foundation of German Business, SOAS, London, March 14, 2015 [slides]
- "Exklusives Wissen – Inklusive Smartness? Zum Selbstverständnis der Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland," Dialogical Lecture Series “Smart People & Urban Commoning”, Technische Universität Berlin, November 12, 2014 [slides]
- "Offene Verwaltungsdaten: Emanzipation und Innovation durch Intermediation," Momentum Kongress für kritische Wissenschaft, Hallstatt, October 16, 2014 [slides] (with Philipp Golka)
- "Critical data: Can hyperlinks subvert hierarchies?," ‘What’s so critical about your critical management studies PhD?’ Workshop, School of Management, University of Leicester, September 16-17, 2014
- "Open Education in Berlin: Benchmark und Potentiale," #OERde14 Conference by Wikimedia Deutschland, September 13, 2014 [video summary] [slides]
- "Municipal open data and the institutionalization of digital openness," Doctoral Symposium at OpenSym Conference, Berlin, August 26, 2014
- "Organizing and organizations in open data ecosystems," International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government (CeDEM2014), Krems, Austria, May 27, 2014 [slides]
- "Impact investing as post-growth finance," Ephemera Conference “Organizing for the post-growth society”, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, May 7-9, 2014
- "Can machines think?," Student Conference for Interdisciplinary Research, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, February 23, 2013
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